On the 5th of November, 2024, Donald J. Trump will be elected as the President and Commander-in -Chief of the United States of America. I prophesy. The World should take note of this. Trump is next President of the United States.
Trump is coming to bring peace to the world.
He is a realist and not a racist.
He is a strong leader the world respects and not a weak leader.
He loves the United States of America with passion and wants the best for Americans.
Donald J. Trump is selfless, patriotic, bold and courageous.
He is a leader, family man, great father and a success with the Midas Touch.
He may not be perfect like any other human being but God Almighty loves him and has ordained him to restore the glory of the United States and end needless wars in the world.
They label him "fascist," but that is utter lie by the Democrats, whose stock-in-trade is disinformation using the fake news media of America.
Those that call Trump "fascist" are so deranged and bigoted because that is not possible in a democracy except they are saying that America is a fascist State - You can see how they are shooting themselves in the foot.
The more they try to vilify and demonize Trump the more God Almighty blesses and glorifies him.
His victory was stolen in 2020 and because of that God Almighty decided to restore him this time to complete the assignment given to him from Heaven above.
They tried to kill him but God Almighty saved him.
Donald J Trump is a good man and God has ordained him to govern America.
Nothing created can stop it. This is Trump moment and he is ready to Make America Great Again.
The World should take note of this . Trump is coming. It is unstoppable. I have spoken.
I am Hon. Prince Ben AHANONU.
Clap for yourself 👏 Onye amuma. Why didn't you prophesy about it last year. Even a blind man can see that Trump is the most popular among the two candidates that made the other group to resort to rigging. So this is not a prophesy, you are just trying to play on the intelligence of the uninformed. Look for something better to prophesy on .... Why not tell us who will be the next PM of Britain?